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NoiseHush i7 vs Yamaha EPH-M100

NoiseHush i7 Kopfhörer
NoiseHush i7
Yamaha EPH-M100 Kopfhörer
Yamaha EPH-M100
Verfügbare Farben
Redaktionelle Bewertungen
1 redaktionelle Bewertungen
Noise-cancelling headphones shouldn't be so expensive. In most cases, the technology is simple: a couple of tiny microphones, a cheap amplifier chip, and a simple filter circuit. Yes, the industry-leading, $299 Bose QC-15 uses a more sophisticated design, but it's always seemed to me that someone ought to be able to create a decent knock-off, something that delivers pretty good noise cancelling and pretty good sound for maybe $99.Weiterlesen
Lesen Sie redaktionelle Rezensionen
2 redaktionelle Bewertungen
The very secure-fitting Yamaha EPH-M100 earphones offer deep bass response, but could use more definition in the high-mids.Weiterlesen
Throughout the years, Yamaha has always strived to produce products and services that satisfy the diverse needs and desires of people worldwide. While they make a variety of products, the sound quality of music is always close to their heart and that is no exception with their Yamaha EPH-M100 headphones. These in-ear headphones are built to deliver full-range sound with powerful bass, clear mids and crisp, sparkling highs. Recently, our good friends at Yamaha sent over the EPH-M100's and we hit planes, trains, cars, the gym, and many other different areas to test the sound and call quality.Weiterlesen
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4.1 von 5
40 Benutzerbewertungen
5 Sterne
27 %
4 Sterne
50 %
3 Sterne
22 %
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0 %
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0 %
4.3 von 5
40 Benutzerbewertungen
5 Sterne
35 %
4 Sterne
55 %
3 Sterne
10 %
2 Sterne
0 %
1 Sterne
0 %

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Technische Details

NoiseHush i7NoiseHush i7
Yamaha EPH-M100Yamaha EPH-M100
StilOver-EarIm Ohr
Headset (integriertes / beiliegendes Mikrofon)JaJa


NoiseHush i7NoiseHush i7
Yamaha EPH-M100Yamaha EPH-M100
Farbe des Produkts
  • Schwarz
  • Schwarzes Silber
  • Silber
  • Schwarz
  • Blau
  • Weiß
Akustisches DesignGeschlossenGeschlossen
Art des AnhangsStirnbandGehörgang


NoiseHush i7NoiseHush i7
Yamaha EPH-M100Yamaha EPH-M100
Gewicht175.0 g19.1 g


NoiseHush i7NoiseHush i7
Yamaha EPH-M100Yamaha EPH-M100
Impedanz32.0 Ω28.0 Ω
Empfindlichkeit< 98< 106
Frequenzbereich30 - 2000020 - 20000


NoiseHush i7NoiseHush i7
Yamaha EPH-M100Yamaha EPH-M100
Kabellänge1.8 m1.2 m
Steckertyp3,5 mm3,5 mm

Oft verglichen mit Yamaha EPH-M100