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Vergleiche 3 -Produkte

LOMO Diana F+ Analog Kamera
LOMO Diana F+
LOMO LC-A+ Analog Kamera
Lomography Fisheye One Analog Kamera
Lomography Fisheye One
Redaktionelle Bewertungen
5 redaktionelle Bewertungen
Lomography's plastic classic left me strangely disappointed when it arrived. I'd been impressed by its little brother, the Diana Mini, but this seemed a shoddier affair and worryingly idiosyncratic. However a few rolls later andWeiterlesen
Short version: It’s not for everybody, but the Diana F+ with the instant back add-on is your best bet for recapturing the magic and spontaneity of the Polaroids of yore. Flimsy construction and erratic picture-taking may put off some, but unpredictability used to be in photography’s nat…Weiterlesen
Is it hip to be square?Weiterlesen
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1 redaktionelle Bewertungen
I am crazy! I’m a sucker for new gear, I’m a G.A.S. victim if there ever was one, but what’s more, I’m a G.A.S. victim that has amazingly little money for the moment… and still I go for stupid stuff like the Lomo LC-A+ from Lomography. I had a real Lomo LC-A, the old one, the russian one and I liked it. But the meter was inconsistent. the winder seemed a bit unreliable and I sold it on. Now I liked it as I said, and I wanted one again. And there’s the new one from Lomography, albeit at a hefty price. 250€ for a piece of mostly plastic made in China, but that’s what we are accustomed to from Lomography. Cheap stuff for big money. And it’s got a copy of the original Minitar lens, also made in China, but you can get a Russian made lens….. at a premium of course. When I got it I immediately noticed how light it felt, compared to the old one. The back closes only with some persuasion. The focusing lever seems not to be connected to anything, there’s a loose feeling when you move it, not as the real LC-A. But focus works. Well, […]Weiterlesen
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1 redaktionelle Bewertungen
A need to trim down my cameras this year saw my Fisheye One go. But did this plastic beast with a 170º angle of view  live up to its price tag ? LSI brought theWeiterlesen
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4.0 von 5
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4.1 von 5
40 Benutzerbewertungen
5 Sterne
32 %
4 Sterne
47 %
3 Sterne
20 %
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4.0 von 5
11 Benutzerbewertungen
5 Sterne
27 %
4 Sterne
45 %
3 Sterne
27 %
2 Sterne
0 %
1 Sterne
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KameratypPoint & ShootPoint & ShootPoint & Shoot
100 - 1600

Bildschirm und Sucher


